Health Services

Partners of the KFA

Health service after Corona

In addition, MAN offers occupational health care before and after business trips as well as telephone counseling. Close cooperation with Global Assignment and Corporate Security ensures safety on business trips. An on-site analysis in Pune in 2023 demonstrates the commitment to employee health worldwide.

A cooperation project with Scania is aimed at the ergonomic evaluation of components of the common base engine. This is done using Scania‘s SES method and the
Leading Characteristics method. The results enable a more precise assessment for assembly as early as the design and planning phase.

MAN also finances workplace health promotion measures through external cost units, such as the Prevention Act. This means that high-quality preventive measures such as courses on desk ergonomics or weight reduction can be offered without burdening the company‘s budget. This demonstrates MAN‘s commitment to the health and well-being of its employees.

Since 2015, MAN has been offering its employees the MAN Check-up as an attractive preventive service. The aim of this service is to promote the long-term fitness and health of
the workforce.
Modern diagnostics and sufficient time are used to analyze the current state of health, and goals and measures are developed together with the employees.

In 2023, MAN will introduce significant innovations that emphasize a holistic and sustainable approach. These measures also include mental health. Both employees and the company benefit from a high-quality combination of occupational and personal health care.